| - First time I came for a full face threading, I forgot the lady's name but I totally loved it. She shaped my eyebrowns so beautifully and my skin felt so smooth. Second time, I went for a first time eye lash refill. My first time was with Amazing lash Studio, it was very pleasant, the girl did such a great job, she was extremely gentle and kept on asking me how I felt. With Beautif-eyes studio, my lashes came out ok (not as beautiful as my first place) but it hurt so much while the lady was working on them. when she tried to seperate the lashes that stuck together, I was tearing down so much. I felt that she was very not gentle. My eye lid still hurt when I got home, I also found some dots of glue on some of my eyelashes. Overall, the front desk girls are always very nice, the studio is clean, affordable price. I'll definitely come back for threading, not eye lashes.
Hi Mercie,
The company that I previous visit did a really great job on my lashes, I did not find any lashes stuck together. The lashes stuck together when the girl started the session. I found dots of glue when I got home and many of the lashes stuck together. And during the session, for the lashes that stuck together, instead of using two tweezers to seperate them, the girl just stuck the tip of the tweezers in between and pulled. I'm very fair and I don't make up things for any reasons. I should have come back and pointed out what was wrong. Thank you for taking the time reading my review and explaining. I'll come back for threading.