I've had a membership with LVAC FOR 3 years and would give it 2 stars if it wasn't for how kind some of there staff is , unfortunately though there's some that don't need to have a job at all , especially interacting with people . They are so uptight, you arent allowed to use chalk for better grip on the bar because according to them it makes a mess they have there own liquid grip that doesn't work fairly as well as the chalk especially when lifting heavy bars but they want to sell there product . I also have been working out in the ladies area and one time i dropped my weight and there was a very rude lvac employee in there that told me to stop dropping the weight so hard , again its a gym if I need to drop the weight I need to I didn't realize I was at a library. Anyways to make a long story short , it serves it's purpose get in for some very quiet cardio get out . I may get rid of the membership soon and get one elsewhere , I have gotten so comfortable that it's such a hassle , also it does get very packed like other reviews mentioned you have to tweak your time a bit to get in when there's less people !
Hope my review helps some of you out !