| - I started off with a protein hair treatment, had my hair washed and the treatment applied and then I sat under the dryer. Cathy did offer me a beverage, which was nice. Once the timer on the hair dryer had gone off, I waited for quite some time before she took me to the room where I would get my facial done.
There were several other clients (2 -3 at the same time including myself) but Cathy was the only person working in the entire salon. This meant that there were lengthy delays for everyone else while she attended to a client. Not to mention the interruptions every time the phone rang, because she was the only person there to answer it. Every single service that I had booked was rushed because she chose to single-handedly attend to several other people. And this is supposed to be an upscale salon.
So I went into a separate room for my facial. She tore off a fresh sheet of paper for me to lay down on, and I obliged even though she hadn't dried her hands properly before doing this so the wet spots on the paper were a little unappealing. After I got on, she put on a CD of nature sounds that almost immediately started skipping but she proceeded with the facial anyway. She put various lotions on my face, leaving each one on for just a few seconds while huffing loudly to catch her breath. I understand she would be tired from doing all of that running around but that, along with the CD, did not exactly create the most relaxing atmosphere.
After a little while, she started the CD on a different track. I assume it was at the beginning because eventually it began to play the same thing it was set on initially, and then began to skip again. It was very annoying.
Thankfully, the facial was over not long after (although not surprisingly what with the speed she applied and removed whatever she put on my face - she never told me what they were, as well as did not ask which facial I would like despite her website listing several of them and did not ask me any questions about my skin at all. I do have sensitive skin which flared up when she used a harsh makeup remover that got into and around my eyes when she attempted to take my makeup off but she did not acknowledge that at all). My skin did look much better than it did when I first went in, but I have also experienced results that were just as good at other salons where I was first consulted before anything was put on my face.
She asked me to sit at one of the chairs at the hair station while she finished up another client's hair. I was looking for a spot to put my glass of water down when I noticed the entire counter-top of the station was covered in hair. I looked over at the stations next to me and they were all equally dirty. At this point it was after 6pm and I had been there since 4pm and I'd only seen Cathy cut someone's hair at "her" chair so that led me to think about whose hair was left on the other areas and how long it had been sitting there. Gross. But clearly she was too busy to do it herself and had no-one else that would do it for her. Kinda sad, but also... still gross. This is supposed to be an upscale salon?!
Then, while I was sitting and waiting, Cathy cashed out the client before me. The cash was directly behind me so I could not help but overhear what transpired. The lovely lady that had her hair cut and coloured before me went up with her partner who paid the bill. While waiting for the transaction to be processed, she went to the washroom and let her partner take care of things. As soon as she came back, Cathy loudly declared "Honey, he didn't tip me!"
Now for the 3.5 hours I spent in that salon, the whole time I listened to how fabulous Cathy was and that her salon was the finest in the city. Now, bear in mind, Cathy was the only person saying this. If she is so successful, then why is she demanding tips? It is rude, inconsiderate and unprofessional. Anyway. Cue my blowdry. She asked how I wanted my hair styled and I replied "straight with volume at the top and the ends flat-ironed straight down". She completed the blowdry, then proceeded to flat-iron my hair starting at the roots. I am not a professional stylist but even I know that this will take out any volume that has been built up. And it did. Then, halfway through, she mentioned "flat-iron is $20 extra." Aside from being ridiculous, it was unprofessional to not let me know that before she started doing it. But I wasn't going to leave with half my hair ironed. After she put the flat iron down, I pointed to my ends which were still flipping out when I had requested they be ironed straight down. She then handed me the flat iron and asked me to do it myself since she had to attend to someone else. I have been going to salons for 10 years and have NEVER had to pay for a service, have the professional mess it up then be made to finish it myself.
The salon almost looks classy (if you don't look too closely) but the service is anything but. Don't waste your money, ladies.