They killed my 5 year old Saint Bernard !! I left thinking he was going to stay an extra couple days to get a little better before he had to have his parathyroid gland removed. One hour later the doctor calls me and says "something scary"
Is happening. Someone who works at this facility put the feeding tube in wrong and it filled his lungs. He suffocated to death over a simple mistake. They charged me the $2000 when he died an hour after I left and he was supposed to be staying an extra 2-4 days. I signed papers saying YES resuscitate my young, beautiful boy that still had years to live. But still called me to ask if they should !!! We had a nightmare week trying to find out what was wrong with him and finally did. To get a call an hour after my last visit to say he's gone. I will never forgive myself for leaving my sweet baby with some incompetent assholes. If you want your pet to live please consider any where else. That won't kill your baby over a stupid mistake. And still make you pay $4000 in vet bills when it was there fault !!!! People are sick but this is a new low. R.i.p frank. You didn't deserve to die like this