| - I was so excited and waiting with great anticipation for Lidl to open and maybe I'd built it up so much in my head that it didn't live up to my inner hype. It's definitely a winner when it comes to prices, especially on organic items but the offerings are super average, the store is a mish mosh and not laid out well but I guess that's the price you pay for lower prices. They have certainly driven the prices of certain items at Walmart and Aldi down and I am grateful for that. On several occasions I've gone and they've been sold out of basic produce items and once they only had skim milk available so I guess they're still working out inventory issues. The baked goods are decent and you certainly could get a good amount of stuff here at good prices but Aldi, though smaller has just about the same stuff and sometimes better, with a nicer store and a more navigable lay out. Where Lidl really misses the mark are their cashiers and floor attendants. Only once have I been and had a kind cashier. They usually seem annoyed and aggravated when their line has more than 3 people in it. One cashier was chomping on a piece of gum like it was her last meal and was clearly aggravated at the customers. When it was my turn, I tried to talk to her and lighten the mood but with little success. Anyhoo!
I'm not saying don't go to Lidl because you will surely find some good deals. I will return but I know what items to go there for, like organic almond and soy milk, organic beans, milk, some cereals, some produce, their veggie burgers(yum) and a few spices. Parking and getting in and out are pretty easy as well. And don't forget to bring your bags though they do have them for purchase as well.
That is all! (Don't forget to hit the useful, funny or cool button. Would love the feedback.)