| - I started the program with my wife Sandy, around March of 2017. I had been retired from the military for quite some time. While I tried to maintain some sort of physically active routine, a back surgery (L4 and L5 fusion) and a slow digression into bad eating habits took their toll on me.
When we started the program, I told myself that I was only doing it because my wife wanted to and I had promised her we would do it together. But after meeting with Jeff on the first day and getting my body composition scan done, everything changed. When I saw how bad I looked and how much body fat I was truly carrying, I couldn't lie to myself anymore. I decided then and there that I was tired of being tired and I wanted desperately to get rid of all the extra-large clothes in my closet.
Under Meghan's guidance and the phenomenal eating program, they had put together for me. I embraced the new lifestyle change. I won't say it was easy because I had some real 'favorite' foods that were hard to give up. But after the 3rd week, when the weight really began to come off and I actually started to feel better than I had for a long time, I was determined to make it work.
By the time the month of May had come around and I made my appointment for the metabolic testing, I was feeling better than I had in years. I had lost over 45 pounds and went from a size 40 pants to a very comfortable 34. I literally had the energy to burn and I was enjoying life again.
The staff at Prolean literally help me to turn my life around and get back to what I enjoy and I am in better shape now than when I retired. A deep and heartfelt 'Thank-You' to Jeff, Meghan, and Maria. You are more than friends to Sandy and I. You are family.
Dennis Reiber
25 Sep 2017