I was not as impressed with this nail salon as I was my first time. I called for a shellac manicure and the guy said he'd had a space available but I would have to rush over. So I did, and I can honestly say I wish I hadn't. I get that they want to make money but they actually sat me in a pedicure chair for a mani! At least I got a bit of a massage I guess, but it was crowded and my manicurist had to keep moving out of people's way. And the UV light machines did not stay balanced on the arms of the chair so I was struggling to hold onto them. Really irritated me because I go get my nails done to actually relax! I was not offered any water like last time. One good point was the lady doing my nails said she didn't think I needed to pay for a whole manicure (but said she would do it if I wanted no problem), so I saved a few bucks by just getting the shellac.
I will still give this salon another chance but I want to book an appointment and see if that makes a difference.