| - Little independent bookstores certainly face a daunting challenge in this day of the ebook. They need to do things right. Visible Voice does things right. They stock unusual, quirky and interesting books that larger retailers often do not and that may or may not be in digital format.
I often will try to give local bookstores the benefit of my business by taking, say, my amazon wish list in and seeing what I can buy at a place. In terms of success-to-size-of-store ration, Visible Voice has beaten every other bookstore in my journey. That they stock a number of the small books from the British Film Institute certainly helps, but even in other categories, Visible Voice clearly has taken the time to make up for in quality what they cannot have in quantity.
They are friendly about it, too. Although I am openly politically conservative, and Visible Voice pretty clearly has a vibe that runs the other way, I have never been treated disrespectfully there. For conservatives, often used to a side helping of condescension with their purchase (I have stopped purchases mid card swipe on such grounds), this is a significant plus.
A great addition to Tremont and to Cleveland.