| - I've been in twice, 2 different locations, and boy did I ever feel like my business was not valued or appreciated. The first time I dropped in to get information, my company has an employee discount. I was told that it would just be a few minutes to see a CSR. I walked out after 20 Minutes, and no one had checked on me in that time or even noticed I left. This last time I made an appointment at a different location. The girl was friendly enough but her semi-scripted "spiel" wasted my time. I know gyms, I know my goals, I just wanted the bottom line cost, but she wants to gather intel to get me all packaged-up on top of my membership. I didn't want to share all that personal info with her. She had to walk us around the gym first before we talked numbers. When she did share the info she literally hides behind this binder, like its top secret, then writes the numbers on a single post-it note. (who keeps just 1 postit on the inside cover of their binder?). Finally, I asked my deal breaker question, do you have free wifi? The answer was vague....we do, but we don't have the password, we will be getting it eventually, we are changing our systems...blah blah. Really? I'd like a more concrete date. I had a landlord once who said she'd replace the carpet "soon" so that I'd sign the lease, after I signed she said she had no intention of ever replacing the carpet and raised my rent the next year. I won't fall for that twice. After all this I asked for a 7-day trial pass. She seemed surprised, put out, and had to go away and get it. Why didn't she offer us this on her own? Why wasn't this in her binder? We had to make a follow up appointment after the 7 days to "see what we thought". Then she left without walking us out. I did not leave feeling like my business mattered, in fact I felt like I was supposed to feel bad for wasting her time because I didn't sign up. Choosing a gym is hard. It's an expensive investment and there are a lot of shady practices that go on. Buyers like me who have been stung by gyms are slow to trust again. Which is why good gyms do a better job of making clients feel welcome, appreciated, and cared about, rather than seeing them as fresh meat who will probably keep paying without coming. I don't blame the CSR, this is how she is trained, it's probably a script she has to follow, she's just doing her job. I liked the layout, the location, the classes, and if there were free wifi I'd probably have signed up on the spot. Now I'm shopping around.