Strolling along Selwyn and my husband and I stumbled upon Clean Catch. It's located in the new retail/restaurant area below the new condos, Tranquil Court, and across from Selwyn Pub and Yoforia. Great location and a great addition to the area.
You can park in the back and they have an entrance from the street and from the back parking lot. You pick.
When we entered, we were greeted by two guys, who I assume are the owners. They were very friendly and busy! It didn't look like they were fully open, since their wine racks were half full and their menu wasn't filled in, but there were already a few customers ordering.
I enjoyed the specialty store feel and the one-on-one service. I didn't buy anything since I was just walking along and didn't have my purse; however, one of these days I'll plan on getting something here. Plan to pay a pretty penny, aka bring your credit card, because it is pricey...but from the looks of it, it is high quality.