I'm not comparing this garden to those in Japan or San Francisco. I'm putting it in its context which is Phoenix, AZ, a city in the arid desert-not exactly the climate for Japanese landscaping- and less than 1% of the population is Japanese. To yelpers who complain that this garden isn't as good as others they have visited: Why would you think the biggest or best Japanese garden would be here? It's an unfair comparison.
This is a small garden and yes, you "can" go through it in 10 minutes. But if you do that, you are missing the point entirely. This is not Disneyland where you are trying to cram as many thrilling experiences into your day as you possibly can. It's a Japanese garden, which is intended to be a symbolic, harmonious microcosm of nature within a small space, used for contemplation, meditation and admiring beauty at a relaxed pace.
Sometimes people need to zen out and remember what a stream sounds like, or connect with nature and animals by feeding fish. These simple pleasures can make you feel relaxed and happier.
We are lucky to have this beautiful garden, right in the middle of downtown Phoenix.