| - CRAP CRAP CRAP!! God help me, I was fooled by their great photography and despite promising I would never give PizzaPizza another cent, I buckled and tried an "italian style sandwich" and slice.
I KNEW it was stupid even as I did it, but I was quickly made to pay for my short memory of all the previous crap PP has fed me disguised as italian food.
Bland, flavourless, truly horrid "factory-fresh" mystery meatballs, runny anglo-style tomato sauce, and how it is that Pizza Pizza manages to make their pizza crust so completely devoid of any flavour whatsoever is truly a mystery of science and franchising!!
Let me once again re-pledge, I don't care how much Pizza Pizza manages to redirect investment that would result in flavour, that instead goes for great advertising photos, their food will never, ever cross my lips, ever again, I swear, so help me Massimo!