Great Education. Great faculty. OVER PRICED!!! It is the heads of the departments who seem to be the rude people. The actual professors are great though. I have always felt education shouldn't be a for profit industry. This school proves me right. No one should have to spend $50k-$90K a year for education.
Also, this school has a habit of accepting what I call losers. I see a lot of people who would rather go pub crawling, smoking weed, and just out right be unfit to be medical professionals. Hell these students can't even take trash to trash cans on on school housing. They throw it by the dumpster, or in the common areas and leave it. Just selfish students who I can't figure out for the life of me how they got accepted.
This school needs a drug testing policy. Mandatory!!! They probably won't do it though because they would have to kick 3/4 of their students.
I would rather see them do a drug testing policy for all students!! Every year, over adjusting the tuition rates. That is how bad it is. The school has a lot of loser students.
It would also help if you stopped accepting so many foreign students as well. It would be nice to see you offer more seats to actual U.S. citizens. This school should only have 5% foreign students, but i feel like it is up 60%. Maybe this accounts for the attitudes and behavior I see of the students. They are from cultures where their behavior is acceptable.
Oh and a final topic.. STOP SMOKING ON CAMPUS. For gods sake this is a medical school. Bunch of hypocrites. So many people staff/student smoke everywhere. It is gross. I can't walk around school without being assaulted on campus by the smoke.