| - Congratulations, Steinhafels! You get to be my first CRAP part thanks to your associate 'Victor', but this is definitely not 100% his fault. Victor? Oh, well....he just bold face lied to my face five years ago (March 13th, 2012 to be exact). Sure, the day I was there..and up until yesterday, I probably would have rated you four or five stars! But today - today I found out that darling Victor, probably for the sake of an extra pretty sale...promised me that if we did not use our warranty on our brand new couch in the next five years, we could call in - and that amount would be refunded! Well, that sounded great! No catch....I use it keep my brand new TWO THOUSAND DOLLAR couch in tact, or no harm no foul - you give me my money back. Great! I will take it....people like me, we keep incredibly detailed notes, and we do not forget. I've had this crap on my calendar for five years now, and was really looking forward to the extra $200 back in my pocket! Today I called...and got the rundown on how I would be getting my COURTESY GIFT CERTIFICATE for that amount, to their store. Seriously, I mean seriously?!? A gift certificate....oh, so I can come in and spend more money. I GET IT. Except, you never told me that....and I was very, very clear about what I was expecting back. I don't make a ton of money, so I like to really keep track of where it's going, and I never, ever appreciate being duped. Victor and his less-than-morale sales tactics aside....Steinhafels customer service could have easily fixed his error. I spent over $2400 in your store and someday, intend to do it again (just not yet) - why not give me back a measly $200? I'm sure you can guess what their answer was, though...seriously foolish. It's so foolish I'm finding myself literally LOL'ing, because they just lost a repeat customer. That's how you have a 'FOR LEASE' sign up in your building, in only a matter of years, and I can see by the other reviews on here you're doing a real bang up job and you're well on your way! Congrats again.