| - I have to admit that I can't stop going to Carly's even though I KNOW I shouldn't!
Good: I can't get enough of the Cape Cod salad! It is really somethin' special, that ain't no lie. Also the soup is always flavorful.
Bad: Has nothing to do with the food. It is all about the atmosphere, which is oppressive in an I'm-so-unique-and-talented-and-you-are-smelly-dung sort of way. Staff is pretentious and lazy. They think they must be pretty lofty individuals for working there but that doesn't mean they LIKE to work, for god's sake.... The owner. She is somewhat friendly, but beware. She is the person who created this environment, and it becomes easy to believe once she starts bragging about how well-off she is. So congratulations everyone! We support these immature little weasels who scorn this gross human ritual we indulge ourselves in: being a customer, AND apparently we have made the owner a rich woman but shhhhhh! She's still the kewlest of the kewl.
UPDATE: Received an annoying email from the owner (the husband) who instructed me give " *constructive criticism* " and not make a personal attack or be petty. My review was neither of those things. I do not know John, nor do I know Carla. I only know what I experience when I have lunch at their place of business. The staff was rude and lazy. The owner DID brag. The food I always order is good. Get a grip buddy.
I was honest about my experience for OTHER PEOPLE who are considering spending their cash on food there. I am not in the least concerned about the owners or the staff personally, but apparently John thinks I ought to be. I ought to see how great Carla is. In fact, he goes into detail about how great Carla is. It's nice to witness a man standing up for his lady. It would almost cause me to add a star up there, but sorry, no can do. His improper use of the possessive apostrophe SEVERAL times canceled that out (okay, now that was petty -my bad).
I'd advise John to concentrate on things other than trolling around yelp, chastising his own customers, whose business supports that fancy paint and the famously zombie-like staff. Maybe the staff is just following John's lead when they don't focus on creating a positive experience for their customers?
Honestly, I remain puzzled as to why John would bother to bother me. I go into a small restaurant to find the owner bragging. That is part of my experience and I will continue to post reviews featuring owners, and how they carry themselves.
As for the "personal attack" on Carla, I will not retract what I said just because John is butthurt and whines about it. I will say this: Carla has probably been in the restaurant several of the many times I have dined there, but I perceived the bragging only one time. I doubt anyone who read my review would label this person a braggart based on that one experience of mine, and as I said before- it did not and would not stop me from going back.
I will be back. I will order the food and enjoy the food, but since that's not the only part of the dining experience, I will tolerate the negative things because the food I regularly order is consistently good.