Compare to have offered on GoodLife Fitness which has Zumba , like Cardio plus personal trainer for huge price like three hundred dollars for training. It offer message still Fit for less has a message , private shower and change while some Good Life does not. For their members is kinda expensive like for $30.00 for two in four it cost around $60.00 per mouth which pricey but Fit is cheaper version is excluded a personal trainer. Exclueds class and other premium contents but for basic self -training which GoodLife includes. Is still that it offer Hydro for perium , discount on drinks and tanning for black member ship for $10.00 for two weeks with commitment it cost for one fee is $45.00 after is $10.00 in a mouth is $20.00 per a mouth. For yellow membership it cost about with just entering the gym plus only a specific location and plus virtual fitness which black membership has all locations acess and also offer all anyone to use it to lending to someone. Good Life location has all acess location which for $60.00 and Towel includes for perium equipments. Plus what all Fit for offering and family discount. Fit for less is much more for without personal trainer , classes, also offer Towel and premium customer service. But Fit for less is for who don't care about classes , personal trainers , Towel which you can bring your own to work by yourself. I was GoodLife for member for 4 years and I was not going to classes and not getting personal trainer either and work out with just they had offered?. So why I chosed Fit for less I only used and bring my own towels and still go to the more for equipments and is also located in plazas and so I can also shop while not eating for perium stuff like but I still love GoodLife and will go back if I wanted go to classes.