| - There are very few times in my life when I can say I actually craved a hot dog. Ball games, 4th of July cookouts...and that's about it, I think. But for some reason, when my wife and I saw this place while doing a little Christmas shopping, we were compelled to check it out. I don't know if it was the cool umbrellas, the little patio on the front, or if we were just REALLY hungry. Whatever the case, we went.
The owner could tell we'd never been to his establishment, and was extremely engaged with us to help make the right choice for our particular tastes. My wife took no time at all to make her decision, thanks in part to the fantastic pictures they have displayed on the counter for each available dog. They also have "display only" portions of some of the available sides (french fries, onion rings, sweet potato fries, and I BELIEVE it was fried okra).
She opted for the Gagou Dog, which is a hot dog topped with cheese and pepperoni, ultimately converting it into a pizza dog. Hers was DELICIOUS! The dog was cooked just right, the cheese was melted just right, and the pepperoni was an awesome touch. The whole novelty of the "pizza dog" is so simple, but really good!
I wish I had ordered the same thing she did. Unfortunately, I did not.
Maybe it's because I'm not native to AZ, but I don't see the appeal to the Sonoran Dog. I ordered it because I've been told that it's a must eat in Arizona. I mean, don't get me was palatable. But, I was pretty underwhelmed by it. It wasn't because the dog was bad, though. The dog was juicy, but it still had that crispness to it like it would make a snapping sound if you were to break it in half. It COULD have been the bun, though. It wasn't horrible, but it was extremely dry.
Perhaps a different choice in style would make for a better experience should we visit this place again.
As we were leaving, I overheard a couple of the customers talking to the managers about ideas for new additions to the menu. The customer suggested some type of Italian dog, and the owner was all for it! He also mentioned that they would be adding some type of burrito to the menu within the next couple of weeks. I didn't get all of the details, but I did hear "burrito" and "two weeks".
Could be interesting...