We flew Allegiant Airlines because it was a direct flight to South Bend, Indiana. I think I would rather connect through Atlanta or Detriot and pay more. The safety concerns are one thing with pilots complaining of delayed maintenance issues and low fuel levels. Last week we heard of a flight taking off to a closed airport without enough fuel to circle the airport for 20 minutes. Apparently the airline was told months in advance that the said airport would be closed for a 2 hour window but they forgot or the information wasn't communicated to the appropriate people. Today we flew out and our flight was delayed, which we understand can and does happen for many different reasons. What my issue was is that the communication from Allegiant was inaccurate and inconsistent. We received 4 text messages and a voice mail, all with different departure times. The last text message we received stated our flight was to leave at 11:25 a.m. and I received it mid-flight and we left at 12:50 pm. Forget trying to effectively use their mobile app for a boarding pass (they charge to print one out). The boarding pass mobile app has left off my seat assignment and it has never shown my boarding zone which causes confusion in the terminal with the customers and gate staff. I believe that while I read that the airline is profitable at this time, their lack of customer service is enough to send someone who can pay a little more running to another airline for future travel. My prediction is that once the airline gets some additional competition in the smaller markets passengers that can choose another airline will not return to Allegiant...the Greyhound bus of the sky.