I bought a dresser, chest and nightstand from Living spaces 11/27/2015. The chest was on back order but would be in in 2-3 weeks they would call me when it was in to schedule delivery. Got the call scheduled delivery for December 23, 2015.
We painted our bedroom moved our old furniture out. Delivery was schedule from 12-3. The driver was over an hour late and guess what no dresser. I have a notes saying it was damaged and there were no more in stock. Why would someone not let me know this before?
I spoke with customer service and was told that one could be delivered between 12-6pm on December 24th. I got no narrow window so I called again and was told that my dresser was still loaded onto a truck and would not be unloaded until Saturday and the earliest, but not to worry they will call me and straighten everything out to set up delivery.
Well guess what 3 days later no call from anyone. Finally I called today and was told that they never had the dresser and that I should have never been scheduled for delivery. I don't think I will ever do business with this company again. They lie to cover up their mistakes and treat an over $700 purchase that just never shows up like I did something wrong. Total purchase was over $2000, my fingers are crossed that my dresser shows up when scheduled on December 30th, but I will not be holing my breath. In the meantime no place for my stuff, I love living out of a laundry basket.