Have to update my review and experience with Dr Schwartz as of recent. First of all expect an hour wait time after your actually scheduled time for every appointment of which you come too. I came to her because I was dealing with a strep throat crisis. I took a ten day antibiotic felt better came back for my check up and she deemed my throats looked better. I insisted on another threat culture just to have peace of mind and she was almost annoyed I wanted to do so (but did it anyways) then the results come back positive again so the penicillin based antibiotic I was given obviously didn't do the job. She's now on a "personal leave" which is fine but at least be available via cell phone to your patients. Her secretary calls me and says we're going to send a new prescription over. I say okay awesome only to find out they want to put me on the Same antibiotic of which just didn't work on me. Either her knowledge of antibiotics is minimal or she just doesn't care, or she knows this antibiotic won't work and is running me through it again because she is adamant about me getting my tonsils removed which means $$$$ for her. Very unprofessional. I will be moving onto a different ENT doctor who values my time health and money more than I feel it's valued here.