I loved this exhibit. I mean loved. I would give this thing a five star rating, except for one huge drawback. There is no way to go to the bathroom once you are inside. Once you are out, you're out. So I recommend going in slightly dehydrated or you may end up pee-pee dancing through this exhibit like my husband and I did. Whatever you do, don't have a big cup of liquor or you'll regret it.
And now that I got that piece of advice out of the way, I'll recommend this as one of the best exhibits in Vegas. Even if you aren't a Titanic buff, you'll appreciate the entire thing. There is lots to learn, the artifacts from the wreckage are nothing short of delightfully eery and the entire setting is a timeline - a story., if you will, filled with detailed and exact replicas. It places you there, on the Titanic.
Don't walk, run to this exhibit........except if you have a full bladder or a tendency to frequently use a toilet.