I visited this theatre yesterday and had a really good time. The main entrance is set up really nicely and the employees are all very professional. The entrance to the Garden Theatre is down the hall and up one level. They even have big old fashioned elevators in use to take you there. It is definitely an experience.
The Garden Theatre is absolutely stunning! When you enter the theatre, it looks like magical winter garden. There is greenery everywhere and it is truly a site to see. It is so beautiful!
The ushers direct you to your seats and you can enjoy looking at the garden before the show begins. We were sitting in the orchestra and had fantastic seats. No one was in front of us and we had a great view of the stage. The actors put on an amazing performance and I would definitely return to this theatre.
My only complaint would be how cold it was. However, this is my complaint at most theatres. I think they blast the A/C, even in the heart of winter so the actors don't boil under all of the lights. They actually use dry ice to do this.
If you get cold regularly, I would definitely recommend wearing a sweater, and or bringing a blanket scarf to keep you warm.