Every time I come her thinking my experience will be better, it just gets worse.
The place is filthy, clothing is damaged and the staff is rude.
There was one cashier working trying to check everyone out quickly, when she called for back up someone finally showed up 5 minutes later and seemed inconvenienced that she had to actually do her job.
I was standing in the customer service line because there was ONE cashier and she said to wait there.
When the other girl showed up she took the people behind me in another line when I had been there waiting before them. Then she called me over and said "you're standing in the return line, just so you know".
And normally I would've just smiled and said sorry but when there was ONE cashier ringing people up there what else was I supposed to do? That was totally unprofessional and absolutely rude. I'll be going out of my way to shop at a different Ross because this place is a disaster. Not worth the hassle, plus the socks I bought had a giant hole in the foot.