I recently acquired two film cameras, which I was super excited to try out. Rather than order film offline I decided to support local business and shop at Tempe Camera. Unfortunately, the customer service was lackluster and left much to be desired. I asked for 120 film and the salesman pointed towards a shelf and said "Ya we've got this new portra." He said "new portra" so I automatically thought of Kodak's NEW PORTRA. I wanted to try Fuji 400, so I questioned "oh, do you have any of the Fuji 400?". "That's exactly what I just pointed at." He replied in a condescending tone. Although he may have motioned towards a Fuji film, he SAID new portra-which is KODAK. He proceeded to treat me like a nobody and I bought less than I had intended to buy because of it. All in all, it wasn't my WORST retail experience, but still a big bummer in my book. In the future Id rather order my film from a big box store like b&h (for less $) and not have to deal with hoity-toity salesman. Every customer should be treated with respect and care whether or not they know as much as you do, sales guy.