I've practiced yoga for years at At One Yoga and initially wasn't happy about their merger with LifePower. But now, after several months of going to LifePower, I think it's pretty nice.
The facility is big and clean and very well kept. If you want to use the entire facility (the weights and machines) you have to sign up for a monthly contract. However, if you just want to take the yoga classes, you can buy them packages of ten classes. The ten classes can be used over any length of time. I like that because if I'm out of town or busy, my class package doesn't expire. I do wish they offered more class packages, like in groups of 25 or 50 classes, the the way At One Yoga used to do. Because typically the more classes you buy, the bigger the discount.
The great majority of the yoga instructors from At One Yoga have come over to teach at LifePower. I've taken yoga classes in several places throughout the US and I think these yoga teachers are among the best in the country.