Checked them out on a Friday evening for dinner. The interior is bright and friendly. The service is good.
We ordered a Pizza Mac with Dorito flakes, a Chili Mac with Corn Tortilla flakes and a Tuna Melt with Sweet Potato Chips. Basically, too much food for two people.
Both of the macs were very tasty. The Pizza Mac had pepperoni slices and a garlic flavor. Yum. The Chili Mac had chili. Yum. The melt was the least cheesy of the three, but was quite good too. It had lots of salady stuff in it to make you feel better about what you were eating.
In short, it felt like one of the regular-sized macs, due to their heavy cheeseness, could do an adequate job of filling two stomachs, if, perhaps, supplemented by a sandwich. Eating a the whole Chili Mac myself left me feeling like I had swallowed a delicious cheese brick.
We would go back to try out the wide variety of other foods they have there.