Wowsers! I recently attended a show at this cinema for the first time in a few years and was BLOWN AWAY by the ACTUAL RECLINERS in the theater. (When I first heard about them, I thought it was an exaggeration about the cushy slightly-leaning back theater seats many theaters have now.) The movie we saw was in a smaller theater with about 6 or 7 rows of seating and the seats are huge recliners with plenty of arm rest room and leg room to boot. Someone can easily walk through the aisle with my legs fully extended out with the recliner.
I figure that, with this new set up, they can put less folks per theater but are likely to gain customers from the comfort and ease. This theater, like Cuyahoga Fall's Cinemark, seems to have gone completely to reserved seating and, while some folks hate it, I'm relatively ambivalent. I mean, at this theater someone would have to be about eight feet tall to kick the back of your seat. Plus bigger seats and space overall equals more personal space and comfort!