| - BRAWSNI YOU're ridiculous, to go out of your way and name somebody in your comment, do you have nothing better to do with your life! Grow up! I bet you're perfect, you don't do anything bad! Get a life!
Blah blah blah!!! SERIOUSLY all these negative comments, all you people are ridiculous! Life is not perfect! You all sound like whiny little 5 year olds, do you realize Starbucks gets these demanding, annoying customers! It's a damn drink for crying out loud! A DRINK PEOPLE! get over yourselves, do you do a perfect job at your workplace, every single day of your life? I bet people aren't always happy with your services! Instead of taking time out of your day to write a negative comment and putting out negative energy, why don't you put something positive and spread positive energy. All of you sound horrible!
Read your negative comments, you're complaining about the stupidest things, you act like the employees personally made your day bad. They have a stressful job, put yourself in their shoes and have a little compassion and quit being assholes!!