Second Cup is the only chain coffee store where I never have a second thought about going to (get it?), as their coffee actually has decent flavour where it tastes like coffee (*cough* Tim Hortons - I don't want water + sugar) and isn't burnt (i.e. Starbucks). Given that I work at Church and Bloor, my closest options are these two and Second Cup is either a 5 minute walk away or 10 minute walk away. However, since last week was cool, I was strolling down from Bloor to Union and passed this Second Cup. It's definitely one of the nicer Second Cups I have seen (better than the one at Yonge/Charles) and they have a nice patio and a cool "elevated" seating area.
So it seems like a great place to get work done, read a book or just relax and surf Yelp all day (lol). Thumbs up to this Second Cup for being the #1 coffee chain in the area.