Retro Bakery did the cupcakes for my friends wedding in Vegas. Adorable cupcakes, and THE BEST CUPCAKES I HAVE TRIED IN MY ENTIRE LIFE. I dream of these babies. They are like crack and haunt me in my sleep. We tried the vanilla cream cheese (I think) and the chocolate with peanut butter. I ate like four of the vanilla... crack cupcakes I tell you! I tried the chocolate, and it was good, the vanilla just put it to shame.
I seriously dream of the awesomeness of these cupcakes. My friend said they were great to deal with in ordering. Im really hoping they do mail orders. Can you even ship cupcakes to California? I hope so! If not im flying to Vegas for a sugar fix.
I love you Retro Bakery, open up another store in San Francisco, we need you!