I am a life long aquarist and am usually very hard on my reviews of public aquariums, but I an going easy here as my review is based on when this place just opened and hopefully they have worked out some issues since. The first issue was buying on-line-the website stated that you can "skip the line at the aquarium" if you bought your tickets on-line, so I did. And then they made us stay in line even though we had our tickets. After much arguing - to the point where they felt it necessary to post a security guard by us in line (like I would start a ruckus with my 9 year old daughter in harm's way) - we were allowed to enter. They no longer say that on their website.
The aquarium itself was OK. Does not compare to the biggies (Shedd, New England Aquarium, National Aquarium in Baltimore, etc.) but it was OK. Most of the tanks were cloudy and understocked, or worse, stocked with inappropriate species (i.e., Asian giant guoramies in the Amazon exhibit), but most of the fish seemed healthy.
It is not easy to get to, but hopefully is now worth the effort after a few years have gone by.