I've been to Axis-Radius about 5 times and have never had a spectacular time. I will list the reasons why.
(1) If you go on the weekend then the place is nasty packed. I am pretty sure that every time a big DJ comes to town they violate fire code by packing as many people as possible in. On one instance, I had bought pre-sale tickets. Upon getting there I waited in line for nearly 2 hours and the line moved about 10 people (who were also presale). All the while, people rolling in and paying door-price-premiums got in. Fuck you Axis-Radius for not letting PAID customers in while you let people willing to pay premium prices to get them and their posse in.
(2) Prices. Drink prices are the highest I've seen. I think a long island (my staple drink) is about $12. Talk about getting raped - this is Scottsdale, not a holiday weekend in Vegas. I will say that I came here one time and they gave my group (5+ people) a FREE bottle of vodka, with bottle service. I guess Thursdays are super slow days for them.
(3) Creeper hell. I am a guy and *I* am weirded out my the creeper groups that seem to plague Axis-Radius. Can't people, especially girls, dance without you and your 4 buddies doing a Night at the Roxbury skit where you surround a girl and don't let her go. It's bad enough where I will step in and act like their boyfriend until the weirdos leave. How creepy.
(4) Trip hazard. I don't know what it is, but I've found more things to trip over in Axis-Radius, sober and drunk. I guess that is extra entertainment.
Bottom line - stay way unless you want to pay a premium to be mobbed... or are just dying to see a special DJ. As for me, I'm done with A-R.