| - The best amusement park in the world!! There I said it. From the time I was a kid until now, Kennywood had always been the one place that has delivered solid fun. Never a disappointment, Kennywood stands as the premiere amusement park for old and young alike.
This park is just the right size, and its rides are perfectly situated around the park to afford you more time riding a roller coaster than walking around the park looking for the next great ride.
Yeah, I have been to CederPoint, Kings Dominion, Busch Gardens, Disney World, and Tokyo Disney and Kennywood trumps them all. Ride for ride it has some of the best coasters around. Sure Ceder Point may have more with 16 coaster to Kennywood's 7 coasters, but it is the quality of Kennywood's Magnificent Seven that wins the day. I think this is because Kennywood makes use of the area's natural hilly terrain so that when your in that coaster, you are virtually hugging the landscape as can be seen in the following clip: This clip, a POV of the Thynderbolt,, shows you just how cool my favorite wooden coaster is, and I think that it says it all.... Kennywood: a beautiful park filled with superb rides.