Their delivery time has always been very fast and accurate. I've never had any problems with receiving an incorrect order.
However, that's only when they decide that they're open and delivering. I have literally called them several times now on a Saturday night around 11-1130 to order a simple pepperoni pizza only to be put on hold and then told that they were 11-1130pm on a Saturday night. When their website and store specifically state that they are open until 1am. It is the most annoying and bizarre thing I've ever experienced. And it seems to have become a common occurrence of theirs. I don't quite understand what's going on with this location but it's really starting to upset me. I'm almost to the point of contacting the store owner and complaining. You cannot pick and choose when you want to be open or not especially when everything states you are open until a specific time. I don't even live that far from the store (far enough that delivery is more convenient than carryout) and they know this the moment I call. I've always been a big tipper to the drivers as well because of how quickly they arrive with my smoking hot, perfect pizza and I've always been extremely polite to each one as well - so I'm not one of those dreaded customers.
This is getting to become a little much and something needs to change - whether they change their store hours officially or actually adhere to what is currently stated. I've noticed that a few of the local Vocelli's customers are complaining as well - about different and similar things. So again, I'm not sure what is going on. But I wish Sewickley would get a decent pizza place that delivers and actually operates on the hours they have stated.