Well, I am a Thrifty's connoisseur so perhaps that's why I was disappointed. This is indeed a Thrifty's Ice Cream counter - but to be clear, it's inside a gas station mini-mart.
They had a few of the flavors I remembered- thankfully my Chocolate Malted Crunch was there. But I'm confused because... I hate to say but...it wasn't quite as good as the stuff I had a few months back in Cali at a proper Rite Aid (formerly Thrifty's) counter.
I did get a dish instead of my beloved cake cone as I was driving and thought that'd be safer with the drips and chose (OF COURSE) the CMC as previously mentioned as well as a scoop of the Cherry Vanilla. The Cherry Vanilla tasted like I remember, and since I haven't had that since oh, let's say a LOOOOONNNNGGGG time ago, it didn't disappoint.
But the CMC, well, it was okay. The ingredients were there but somehow it wasn't as chocolaty or as malty as the last one. I have to imagine this is made locally rather than shipped in but maybe I'm wrong, either way, it was not quite as good.
The only other downside for me was the lack of the same kind of cylinder scoops that Thrifty's had, Rite Aid still has them but this was just a regular scoop.