This show is really entertaining and fun. I heard people saying this one is the worst of the Cirque du Soleil shows and I can see why. If you have seen any other Cirque shows, you probably have an expectation that the show will be a bunch of amazing stunts and tricks. This show seemed more like a broadway show to me. There was much more dancing, singing, and comedy than expected. I thought it was great though.
Word to the wise though. Don't sit on the front rows or the aisles if you don't want the cast to pull you up to the stage or interact with you. They made some of the audience participate and I can see some people being freaked out by that. Also, there is a bit of a pre-show, in which some of the cast walks around to talk to you and jokes around. Its all fun and entertaining, so it doesn' t hurt to get to the show a bit earlier to see it.