Very unprofessional service. Impatient. Rushing. Lack of skill. My manicurist Althea looks like she hates this job so much she hates the world.
- the nails were first very badly done because the bottle was dry. Althea was trying to get away with this because she "has appointment in 5 mins". When I ask for redo, here comes attitude.
- be 100% sure what colour you want. Trying colours is frowned upon here.
- some nails are not done near the edge and look like they were done a week ago. So just like when I came in today. Nice.
If you are still reading, maybe you are the owner. Maybe you are Althea. Hey Althea, if you really hate this job, do something else! Be a dog walker, street cleaner, a parking lot guard etc. You'll be happier.
Please train your employee. Yes everyone can do nails but you are running a business. Plus, adjust your scheduling system. sometimes it needs a little extra time to fix shit, especially if your employee is badly trained. It's ok you waste me another 20 mins to fix it. It's not ok to rush the service and hope me will get my ass out no matter what so you can serve next customer on time. I'm not your mother.