| - I love this place! I frequent it on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Though, I work during the week so sometimes I only make it on Saturday :( The club is pretty damn small, but they make extremely good use of it :) I love climing onto the carpeted bleachers. Makes me feel young! The co-ed bathrooms are a definite plus! Only because it's taboo and decorated like a gorgeous gothic nightmare. Also, because if you're a chick and feelin spontaneous, you can pee in the urinals! (not that I've done it....).
The bartender, Bailey, is to die for!! I don't know if he's gay or straight but he gives the guys and girls equal special attention and he's absolutely gorgeous. Another plus to going there :) There's no cover on Wednesdays but there IS a $5 cover on Saturdays. Very worth the cover! Wednesdays is an Industrial/EBM/Goth night. I believe they have $3 vodka drinks all night on Wednesdays. The resident DJ Noize Fkr is amazing and extremely friendly. He was the resident DJ for Tranz :) He also DJs there on Saturdays, switching off with some other dude. Saturday's is "Retro and Beyond". It includes late 80s and early 90s of everything from pop to goth to industrial. I love dancing to Prince, then NIN, then Billy Idol! It's heaven for me :) They have drink specials til, I think, midnight on Saturdays...but not sure. Not to mention I know a grip of people so it's a nice place to arrive alone, if I must, and not fear I'll end up alone in a corner the whole night :) One more thing, there are some hidden Lounges behind the bleachers, in case you and a special someone feel like being naughty...or just being alone :)
I HEART sanctum!