Never will I ever come back here all because one person. "B" did my hair, I had light brown ombre going on and I told her I just wanted an all over dark brown, simple right? Well she decided to put BLACK in my hair and not only did it come out like snow white black she used a different shades of brown on the bottom because she ran out of color! Not once did she have me facing the mirror while she was coloring, so I did not see until she shampood me! I immediately started crying because it was so dark and absolutely not what I wanted and she just kept telling me it'll was out it'll fade, well if anyone knows anything about black hair dye, it does not just "wash out" she then started cutting my hair without asking me and I asked her not to she went ahead and finished the cut leaving my hair extremely crooked and uneven. I told her I wanted a refund because there was no way I would ever let her touch my hair again and she refused, she was so mean and rude to me. I spoke to the manager of the salon multiple times, and because he doesn't actually manage the salon the girls manage themselves he told me there was nothing he could do for me. Please trust me on this and never have Beatriz do you hair, I promise you will be miserable with the outcome!!!