Started off good but didnt end good. I give it 3 stars because after a few drinks me and the wife decide to climb up the little mini stages in the pool to get a dance (an experience thing just to say we did it. seen it in picks thought it was cool) and life guard told me to get down. And i asked why if other people (femailes only) where dancing. I didnt see any signs that said no guys and again i went to dance with my wife.. Anyway in a blink of an eye im surrounded by 30 security guards and escorted out with out any type of warning or explaination. with people traveling from all over the world i would expect a little more consideration of travel and money beind spent. Securtity was almost proking the situation to make me react but im not dumb 30-1 i had no chance so i left. but over all dope assss pool party!! I would compare securtiy there to all secuity in all NYC clubs, A$$Holes