Really wanted to like this place more. Food was delish - seriously loved my mushroom pasta and my husbands pizza ruled. Unfortunately this was the extent of the positives. We live a block from here and love supporting the local places; however, this is one local place I will no longer support. Always a sucker for a deal, we found a cert and were ready to use the hell out of it. Having been a server for many years, I totally get that dreadful feeling a server has when a customer shows up with a coupon. Many times, coupon=cheap=bad tipper. In my experiences anyway. Let me clarify that this is NOT how I roll. I tip well. Always. Probably too well in most cases. So when a gratuity is added (quite sneakily might I add), a 25% gratuity - frankly, it pisses me off. Big time. Never ever have I had a grat added for a party of 2. Yes I had a coupon and yes we didn't know that it was for food only and not drinks - we dealt with it though, and respectfully. We ordered two pizzas to go and were totally OK with that. I just don't understand why it was necessary to add a 25% grat to our bill. How insulting.
Many of these reviews state that the service is often iffy and we felt the same. Our server was nice enough but she was hard to find and was on her phone in the shadows most of the time. The owner schmoozed with most of the tables (except ours lol) probably b/c we were the cheap jerks with a coupon. Whatevs though, we happily signed the check and let her have the greedy tip but we will not be back, even though finding a restaurant with a genuine wood-burnig oven is a rarity. Oh well.