I love the work you guys do! As I'm an every other Tuesday customer and I never have issues. Every now and then, I find a weed or two that was missed but that would be my fault as I didn't state to the guy ringing the doorbell what I would like special attention paid too. If I had a complaint (I do) it would be that I never know when the crew is arriving. Its difficult for us to wait all day long for them to arrive when if we could just get a call in the morning that says we are 5th on the schedule or whatever, we could plan our morning or afternoons. As it is now, we have to wait all day on Tuesdays (sometimes) or get surprised first thing in the morning before we are even dressed. I really don't understand why customers can't just get a window of time in the morning when the crews are assigned. But, thats me.... BETH is fantastic customer service and she's explained to me the system and why we can't get a window of time but I just don't get it.