This business is so unprofessional and do not know how to return phone calls or emails back!!! I submitted their "contact us form" on THEIR website about my two traffic tickets last week. Then the next day I called and left a detailed message on their answering machine to call me back. Of course no phone call back. I called today and the girl on the phone says "what email did u send it to??" There is NO option for me to choose an email to send to on your website!!!! Maybe you should have better knowledge of your own website how it works OR FIX YOUR WEBSITE. and I told her I left a voicemail. She said they didn't receive anything! Like seriously?!?! Makes me wonder and think twice how they even take care of cases.
I've hired them once before in the past back in 2014 when I got a ticket for being on my cell phone and I just found out today that it never got amended by the attorney!!! This is super frustrating!!! Which is why my current speeding ticket is so high because this is my second violation. PLEASE AVOID THIS PLACE AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE!!!