| - Amazing customer service!!
My car broke down at the busy intersection in front of this walgreens location, and a friend and I pushed the car into the parking lot. The store was already closed, but there was a man working outside who immediately went in and got the manager when I approached him for assistance. The manager came out, and I asked him if he would mind if I left my car overnight as it was late, and I honestly wasn't sure what I was going to do, b/c I really didn't know what was wrong with it. He and I discussed the battery, etc for a bit, and he agreed to allow me to leave it there overnight. Now-my car is very old, very ugly-paint chipping, you name it. It really isn't the greatest sight to have in front of your store, but by some magic he agreed. I am very grateful for that as the tow would've cost me over $100 to get it back to Rock Hill where I live.
The next day I went in to see if the car parked beside mine was owned by an employee, and it was. This employee came outside and had no problem moving her car to allow a friend of mine to move his in closer to mine. (We had to charge the battery with his for a good 30 minutes before I could leave.)
This walgreens is staffed by truly wonderful people who I feel honestly care about their customers and their well-being. Thank you!!!