| - The Fry's at 75th Ave and Cactus is 100 times better than this place. Let me start off by saying, the employees at this Fry's are not friendly at all. Not a single employee will ask you if you need help finding anything nor will they stop and say hi to you while you are walking around. I have had managers and employees walk right past me without saying anything to me. One morning, one of the managers walked right in front of me as I walked in. I said good morning to him, he glanced at me, didn't say anything, and walked on by. Now, let me reiterate on what I said. The one thing that I have noticed about this Fry's is that there is a lot, and I mean a lot, of elderly people that shop here. The one thing that I have noticed, and it's really sad, is that all of the employees are super nice to them. They will ask them how they are doing, if they need help finding anything, say hi to them as they walk in, etc. I guess you need to be 80 to 100 years old for the employees to notice you, be super nice to you, and be helpful towards you. There is one shining bright spot at this store, and that is, the people at the fuel center. They are super nice to everyone, regardless of your age. Too bad the store can't be the same way.