I've had good luck with my drivers and I love the discounted fares for this taxi system. This morning I awoke to two texts from Uber .... confirmation/verification codes. That was at 4:30 am AZ time. When I got up I saw an Arabic message on my phone from Uber. And I then received 2 emails from Uber, one of which said my name and email address had been updated. Then I checked my credit card and sure as heck there was an Uber charge on it. SOOOOOO UBER HAS NO SECURITY TO CONFIRM THESE CODES TO MY PHONE? And I am trying to contact Uber ... no phone number. I send them an email. They return an email 90 minutes later and tell me to send a screen shot of the email and then they'll help. Now I try to return it to them 3 times and they tell me it's a different email? The money you save in fares will be repaid in stress and hair loss trying to re-secure your account. No more Uber for me. YOU SUCK!!!! And now I go on vacation abroad next week and I'll have no credit card because I had to cancel this one. Oh, did I say, YOU SUCK!!! because you do.