Our first impression of this little chain fast food Mexican was pleasant. Great presentation of the menu and helpful staff.
From there it went down hill. Our meals were bland and what flavour present was unpleasant. My husband ordered a chimy. It likes those a lot in most other places. A good staple for him. He made sure it came with rice and beans, another Mexican food staple. It was not flavourful and the chicken was dry inside. The rice was not seasoned well and tasted like white rice that was coloured red. The beans must of had liquid smoke added and neither of us were a fan of the taste. We couldn't finish them. I ordered chicken tacos. The chicken had a weird taste. On a bright note the condiments on the tacos were nice.
As for the salsa that came with the meal, that is our signature tip off for a good Mexican joint. The green salsa was sweet and the red sauce was more like tomato sauce. Neither struck us as good salsa.
There wasn't anything really wrong with our meal (I.e made us feel icky) we just were not a fan of the type of Mexican food served here.