| - Ok, when you advertise on a giant sign in front of your restuarant "World's Greatest Hamburgers", you have already set the bar very high. Perhaps if I had just wandered in, I would have thought better of the food, because I wasn't expecting much, which is what we got, not much.
The prices are really high for a burger (which doesn't come with fries or anything, that's extra). I got the avocado burger. Plus a basket of half fries and half onion rings. The avocado immediately slid off onto the table. The fries were bland. The onion rings were actually pretty good.
The decor is unusual. Kilroy's has a mascot of sorts, which is this goofy looking character that they have photoshopped onto popular movie posters, which is kinda funny. They also have these place-mats with puzzles and games on them. However, the puzzles are impossible to figure out, then when you look at the answers, you realize they were just fooling you and you couldn't answer them, which makes you feel dumb for trying.
I feel dumb for walking into this place. Sorry Kilroy's, you should advertise yourself as "The World's most overpriced average hamburgers". Then I could have given you a better review for your quirky decorations and friendly wait-staff.