Sad to say it, but this is a show that should've been imploded right along with the Riviera. Not modern day strip quality production value by a long shot.
Most of the "girls", while in great shape, all looked like they could've been your favorite auntie w/ major freaky cougariffic tendencies...You know the one. Always making people uncomfortable with the sex jokes at Thanksgiving. Only one of the 7 women would ever be anywhere close to my girl crush list. Now THAT is crazy.
The biggest bummer of the show was it's lack of melanin. This show's marketing, even in it's golden heyday, has included at least one black butt in the signature pose lineup...a butt I was looking forward to seeing in real life! Sadly, those chocolatey buttocks never appeared. The most horrible joke was the "big booty" number where the girls donned Nicki Minaj-esqe neon outfits and shook their mini tail feathers off beat to a poor excuse for hip hop. Just delete this scene guys. I'm just gonna end this paragraph with Black Buns Matter.
Maybe I've just been spoiled by the elegant smorgasbord which was once Jubilee, but I honestly considered walking out well before the 30 minute mark because Crazy Girls immediately struck me as cheap and stale. Never a good sign.