I was at work one day and was reading SEVEN magazine (local magazine for LV), and saw FUKUburger's introduction to LV. I always thought ANY food truck was fun, and had the good food, and I still do. So me and my GF went to go try this place out with high expectations which were met with a little extra. Most importantly, the portions were big. But as months passed by, we try this place again and everything seemed so skimpy. Even the containers for the sauces got smaller. =\
Don't get me wrong I still like Fuku Burger, the co-owners are cool as hell and the flavor and culture is definitely there. But the servings MUST be bigger, the fries are ridiculously small for what you pay for. I wish they would serve portions like when they first started.
Honestly, their burgers are just a little bigger than McDonalds McDoubles... If they beefed up they're burgers and fries in every way and put less ice in there cups for strawberry lemonade, then I'd give'em 5 stars.